It seems that Imran Khan bug has bitten Kareena Kapoor as well, who is unaware of porn star Sunny Leone. Sunny who has created extreme buzz across the nation somehow failed to attract Kareena's attention. But now when Bebo is all aware of Sunny, she too wants to know more about the porn star and her works.
Zee News reports according to a noted film critic and journalist, Bebo learnt about the porn star only after being intrigued by a tabloid and the constant mention of Leone in it. In fact Kareena invited her close friends home to initiate the “know more about Sunny Leone” task!
It was then, Kareena watched Sunny's porn videos, she realised her works and her adult profession. After following the video for some time, Bebo and her friends logged off as they found it extremely scandalising.
Zee News reports according to a noted film critic and journalist, Bebo learnt about the porn star only after being intrigued by a tabloid and the constant mention of Leone in it. In fact Kareena invited her close friends home to initiate the “know more about Sunny Leone” task!
It was then, Kareena watched Sunny's porn videos, she realised her works and her adult profession. After following the video for some time, Bebo and her friends logged off as they found it extremely scandalising.