Two Kapoor sisters, Karisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor are going to clash at the box-office. Karisma Kapoor is back to work after a long hiatus. Mother of two, Karisma is back with ‘Dangerous Ishq’. Reema Kagti’s ‘Talaash’ is Kareena Kapoor the reining queen of Bollywood’s next release It is expected that the two Kapoor sisters will clash at the box-office. Their film is expected to release at the same time.
‘Talaash’ will hit the theatre on June 1, 2012 and ‘Dangerous Ishq’ is expected to release around the same time. Risk over Karisma is quite high. It is her comeback pad and she needs to be excellent. It’s very important that her film should do well for keeping her Bollywood career running. Kareena is already a hit star. After two back to back hit, audience are looking forward for her next release. Another major factor of ‘Talaash’ is Aamir Khan.
Karisma and Kareena are very close to each other and both appreciated each other at an interview. Obviously, one won’t like to see the downfall of the other.