Actress Kareena Kapoor has been hoping and dreaming of having a White X'mas for some years now. However, she has never made it happen.
"There's always been work, or then some show..." she goes on. However, this year maybe a different story, what with beau Saif Ali Khan making all her dreams come true.
Though Saifoo claims to be mighty busy with the post production of 'Agent Vinod', a movie of which Kareena is also a part, we hear that the actor is planning a surprise Christmas for Kareena in Europe. Now we weren't so sure if this cat was to come outta Santa's goodie bag this soon...
New Year's we hear will be spent abroad as well, and there'll be no dancing at any New Year bash back home this time round. This is of course what we hear. Now, unless some organisers are willing going to throw in an abundance of moolah that Bebo can't refuse...
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