Saif Ali Khan's ambitious spy-thriller Agent Vinod, directed by Sriram Raghavan (Ek Hasina Thi, Johnny Gaddar) has been in production since a while, leading to speculation over the film's delay.
However, producer-actor Khan, at the unveiling of the film's first theatrical trailer, assured the press that it is a meticulously crafted film which couldn't be finished any sooner due to the various foreign locales and never-seen-before action-scenes that required filming.
While the trailer hints on Agent Vinod's character as a hybrid between Bourne, Bond and Hunt, Saif -- while not denying the said similarities -- gives further insights into his pet project, both in the capacity of producer and actor. Ankur Pathak takes notes.
You've been committed to this project for a great deal of time. How's it shaped up?
Agent Vinod is the longest I have worked on a film. I'm glad we have readied a polished product. I hope everyone likes it.
I'm excited about the way we are going to promote the film. It gives me immense happiness to talk about Agent Vinod -- a product we are quite confident of.
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