Saif Ali Khan is busy with his upcoming film, ‘Agent Vinod’ and hence couldn’t make to the unveiling of her wax model at Madame Tussauds. But Bebo has immediately send him the picture of her wax model and Saif commented that she looked hot. Bebo’s wax statue was dressed in a Manish Malhotra outfit from the song Mauja Hi Mauja track from Jab We Met and it was placed right next to that of Amitabh Bachchan.
She said, "Saif couldn't come as he's busy with Agent Vinod. I sent him the pictures a night before on the phone, and he said 'it looked so hot! Karisma also couldn't be here as she' busy with her film".
It’s a very proud moment for Kareena. Excited Kareena said, "The idea of being immortalised forever is scary. The feeling hasn't sunk in yet. When I looked around the room, I realised I was the youngest person from Bollywood to be waxed. Also I am right next to Mr Bachchan, so what more can one ask for?"
Kareena Kapoor is quite satisfied with the outcome and said that her eyes was very expressive. Bebo adds, "They have done a marvellous of capturing the eyes so well. They are expressive and have that same feel which the song from Jab We Met showcases. I can't comment about my statue, but the fans who travelled miles to come and see it have loved it. They've all told me it looks exactly like me."
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