As per earlier reports, producer Karan Johar and Ekta Kapoor have teamed up to make a love story with a twist. Ekta said, 'The film is an urban take on love - it is quirky, edgy, dramatic and intense.' They also made an announcement that the casting will be made in few days.
Being among the top filmmakers, the duo wants to cast top actress as their leading lady. Apparently, there are some hindrances due to the differences in opinion between them. While KJo prefers casting Kareena Kapoor, Ekta thinks Katrina Kaif is best suited for the role.
It is obvious that Bebo is Karan's first choice as they have worked together in KABHIE KHUSHI KABHIE GHAM, KURBAAN, WE ARE FAMILY and now EK MAIN AUR EKK TU. Other than this, they have also been good friends.
On the contrary, Ekta has signed Kareena for ONCE UPON A TIME IN MUMBAAI 2 and hence wants to see Katrina as her leading lady for the film. Seems, Ekta doesn't want to be emotional unlike Karan.
Anyways, only time will say who'll bag the role - Kareena Kapoor or Katrina Kaif.
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