Amidst constant rumours of her marriage with beau Saif Ali Khan, actress Kareena Kapoor has revealed that she would make an announcement about wedding only after the release of their upcoming filmAgent Vinod. The action thriller film, directed by Sriram Raghavan, is scheduled to release in 2012, but no exact date has been finalised as yet. According to media reports, the marriage is likely to take place between February-March next year.
The actress was present at the first look launch of Karan Johar's Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu in Mumbai yesterday. When quizzed over her marriage, Kareena said, "Both Saif and me are waiting forAgent Vinod to release. Once it releases, we will announce the marriage."
Meanwhile, Karan Johar mocked the constant marriage buzz by saying, "I am tying the knot with Kareena for the entire month of February. She would be there for pre- and post-promotions of Ek Main Aur Ek Tu."
However, UTV Motion Pictures is producing Kareena Kapoor's two upcoming films Ek Main Aur Ek Tuand Heroine. Talking about the movies, CEO of UTV, Siddharth Roy Kapoor said that the actress would be shooting with them in March for Heroine.
The actress was present at the first look launch of Karan Johar's Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu in Mumbai yesterday. When quizzed over her marriage, Kareena said, "Both Saif and me are waiting forAgent Vinod to release. Once it releases, we will announce the marriage."
Meanwhile, Karan Johar mocked the constant marriage buzz by saying, "I am tying the knot with Kareena for the entire month of February. She would be there for pre- and post-promotions of Ek Main Aur Ek Tu."
However, UTV Motion Pictures is producing Kareena Kapoor's two upcoming films Ek Main Aur Ek Tuand Heroine. Talking about the movies, CEO of UTV, Siddharth Roy Kapoor said that the actress would be shooting with them in March for Heroine.
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