Bollywood's most happening couple Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan are in trouble. The problem was that Kareena was recently left with no other choice but to go against the wishes of her beau.
Saif had earlier said that he would love Kareena to see him perform with the band Parikrama for charity, as it would boost his confidence. However, the rock concert coincided with the shooting of a television show for the Children's Day by Shahrukh Khan's Red Chillies company.
Kareena said that she had to cancel her plan to attend Saif's concert, as she had commitment to shoot for Shahrukh's show long back. She is disappointed over skipping the concert but is sure that Saif would understand. She added that she can't let her heart rule all the time.
Give Kareena the chance to let her head rule!
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