If in ‘Love Aaj Kal’, Saif Ali Khan touched Deepika Padukone’s bum then Kareena Kapoor repeated her beau and pinched her ‘Ek Main Aur Ek Tu’ co-star Imran Khan’s bum. The poster of the film that was released shows Kareena pinched Imran’s bum without his knowledge and there is a expression of shock in his face.
In the trailer, Kareena was shown discussing about her bum with Imran and he rated Kareena’s bum 4 out of 10 while Kareena rated Imran’s bum 8 out of 10. This particular scene has grabbed many eyeballs and became an instant hit.
Directed by debutant Shakun Batra, EMAET is the story is of two carefree people, Rahul (Imran Khan) and Riana (Kareena Kapoor) a hair-stylist, who meets, drunk together, and then awakes the next morning to find that they have gotten legally married to each other.
Kareena and Imran’s chemistry is very much talked about. ‘Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu’, produced by Karan Johar, is slated to release on February 10.
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