The latest buzz on Kareena-Saif’s wedding is related to the actress’s wedding jewellery. It’s said that Bebo has ordered a royal piece of jewelry worth around Rs 40 lakh. The jewellery set is supposed to be a full-dress necklace; its length is from neck to waist. The unique designer set is generally used for royal weddings.
As per reports, a Rajkot-based Jeweller has the onus of creating this designer royal jewellery set for Kareena Kapoor. The jewelry set will apparently be made with 400 gm gold with expensive gems studded on it. It will take approximately two months to make because it requires craftsmanship and painstaking hand work.
Now, you must be thinking about Kareena’s royal wedding ensemble. Well, reportedly the ace fashion designer Ritu Kumar, who is close to Saif Ali Khan’s mother Sharmila Tagore, is busy creating the wedding attire for Kareena. With Ritu’s expertise in traditional garments, there is no doubt that the dress is going to be one of its kind.
It’s even heard that Saif is planning to gift a big diamond ring to Kareena as the wedding gift.
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